Send text snippets and links to your favourite devices on:

The Web

sendto is a new way of sharing text snippets and links (we call it all "sendlets") among your favourite devices (Smartphones, Tablets, Computers...).
Have you ever searched something on your computer that you needed to send via sms or your favourite messaging app to a friend of yours?

Have you ever found an interesting article on your phone that you wanted to read on your tablet?

Imagine that you have found a recipe on your phone while going home from work and you need it on your kitchen tablet.

Suppose that you searched on your tablet for a code snippet that you then want to integrate in your app's code but you need it on your Computer.

With sendto you can simply do this in a few clicks/taps.
Just open the app, put in the text (or paste it from the clipboard) and choose the destination device.
That's it!